Sunday, December 25, 2011

New Computer.


   I finally got a new laptop. I am using it right now. I missed having one. like whoa. I need a name for him. Or her. It’s a Dell.



Thursday, December 22, 2011

Still alive

So i am still alive. Just so busy. But life is good. I will do an in depth update at some point in the future. For now enjoy this awesome pic of B and me before sherlock holmes :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Empty breakfast room woes

You know you are up too early when the breakfast room in your hotel is empty and lacking breakfast. Dear holiday inn express davenport- feed me?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

falling behind

I feel like I owe an apology to my blog. I've been M.I.A- blame school and 2 jobs. I gotta sleep sometimes, right??
Oh, and my trusty laptop died. RIP. you were good to me- guess he's going to join Alfred in computer heaven.
Iwill post more here in the near future, got some fun stuff coming up:


Thursday: TURKEY DAY


Saturday: B and I are going to the UNC- DUKE football game. Cuz I'ma good girlfriend.

Until then....

Monday, October 31, 2011

Peace love and get me outta here

This is me and chanel in class. Boo. Its halloween and we are trapped until 9:45. Why, why, whyyyy??!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

living and loving

Update time:

1. went to the fair last week with B, so fun. We ate, we rode a ride, we ran into some of my peoples, we looked at cool things that people with lots of talent made, and we watched people. The state fair is an amazing place to people watch. Worth the 8 dollars. Totally.

2. Halfway through the school semester. Ugh. It's been a tough one. It's worth pushing myself though, because everyday I get done puts me closer to starting the future that I look forward to everyday

3. work. I no longer work at the preschool anymore. I miss my babies everyday. It was too much with my dance and school schedule though. So for now I'm back to Captain Stanley's, doing the hostessing thing. Can't say it inspires me, but it's money.

4. Yesterday. I loved yesterday. Because it was one of those days that I fell more in love with Bradley every time I looked at him. I always think to myself, "Self, how can you possibly love this man anymore than you already do?" but then I find myself loving him even deeper. Not complaining. I am the luckiest woman alive.

SO, that's purty much it. Life is crazy, not always fantastic. But I really am enjoying the ride.

ta-ta for now :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Dear monday night class...

I hate you. Loathe you.
Wish you did not exist.
So bored.
Not learning.
And I have to sit here til 9:45...